The Lost Weekend (1945)
This Academy Award winning film offers a brief window into the life of a struggling New York writer as he tries to overcome his paralyzing addiction to liquor. Directed by Billy Wilder, The Lost...
View ArticleThe Rag Man (1925)
In this silent film, a runaway orphan forms a partnership with a junk dealer on the Lower East Side, curing the old man of his loneliness and helping him find his due fortune. Directed by Buster...
View ArticleSerpico (1973)
Adapted from Peter Maas’s book, Sidney Lumet’s drama portrays the real-life struggle of an honest city cop against a corrupt system. Starring Al Pacino as the titular character, and filmed on location...
View ArticleThe Wrong Man (1956)
“The Wrong Man” is a docudrama film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Henry Fonda, Vera Miles and Harold J. Stone. The film is based on the true story of a Queens resident, Christopher Emmanuel...
View ArticleLove with the Proper Stranger (1963)
1963’s “Love with the Proper Stranger” was a star-vehicle for Natalie Wood and Steve McQueen, who were trying to make the transition into serious drama. But clearly the studio was hesitant to launch...
View ArticleElf (2003)
Ho, ho, ho! ‘Tis the season to do a two-part post about what is arguably the first classic Christmas movie of the 21st century. Directed by Jon Favreau and starring Will Ferrell, 2003’s Elf tells the...
View ArticleRemo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985)
Based on The Destroyer pulp paperback series, this film follows the creation and training of Remo Williams, a New York City cop who is unwillingly recruited as an assassin for a super-secret government...
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